1) Choose the best closing sentence for the paragraph a) She is the pitcher for her baseball team. b) Her friends also play on her baseball team. c) She wants to be on time for her baseball games. d) Her coach brings water and snacks to the games. 2) Which sentence does NOT belong in the following paragraph? a) Sentence 2 b) Sentence 3 c) Sentence 4 d) Sentence 5 3) Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. a) so b) until c) again d) because 4) Choose the sentence that is written correctly. a) The snowman's hat was large black, and tall. b) The snowman's hat was large, black and tall. c) The snowman's hat, was large, black and tall. d) The snowman's hat was, large, black and tall. 5) Choose the best opening sentence for this paragraph. a) Many changes happen in the fall. b) The weather can be warm in the fall. c) I like the colours of the leaves in the fall. d) There are many animals that hibernate in the fall. 6) Choose the best way to join the following sentences: We had a cross-country meet today. Ella forgot her water bottle. Mason gave her his extra one. a) We had a cross-country meet today, Ella forgot her water bottle, until Mason gave her his extra one. b) We had a cross-country meet today, Ella forgot her water bottle, after Mason gave her his extra one. c) We had a cross-country meet today and Ella forgot her water bottle, it Mason gave her his extra one. d) We had a cross-country meet today and Ella forgot her water bottle, so Mason gave her his extra one. 7) Which sentence does NOT belong in the following paragraph? a) Sentence 2 b) Sentence 3 c) Sentence 4 d) Sentence 5 8) Choose the sentence that is written correctly. a) b) c) d)

Quiz #1: EQAO Writing M/C Practice

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