I washed my car. (have), I cut my hair. (get), I typed up the documents. (have), I fixed my washing machine. (get), I cut my grass. (have), I painted my bedroom. (get), I repaired my fridge. (have), I landscaped my garden. (get), I edited the article. (have), I cleaned the carpets. (get), I printed the photo. (have), I checked my teeth. (get), I cleaned the windows. (have), I made the necklace. (get), I delivered the furniture. (have), I repaired the roof. (get), I wrote the report. (have), I dyed my hair. (get), I sent the money. (have), I built the shed. (get), The cleaner cleaned the house. (have), The taxi driver collected us. (have), John arrived on time. (get), The mechanic fixed the brakes. (have), The teacher explained the lesson. (have), My husband looked after our children. (get), The waiter brought some water. (have), The nurse took your temperature. (have), The students stopped sleeping in class. (get), The teenagers went to bed early. (get), The dentist cleaned my teeth. (have), My friend took her car. (get), The window cleaner washed the windows. (have), The toddler ate her vegetables. (get), The teacher checked my writing. (get), The secretary typed the report. (have), The shop assistant gave me a discount. (ask), The shop delivered the food. (have), The children did their homework. (get), My colleague helped me write the report. (get), The optometrist checked my eyes. (asked), A contractor remodeled our bathroom. (paid), The fortune teller read my palm (get), I delivered the food (get), He broke my heart (get) , She lost her freedom (taken), I extracted the tooth (get), I tailored my suit. (get), I pumped up my tyres. (have), The agent planned my holiday. (ask).
FCE I3-I4 Unit 6 Have something done sentences (guided)
Causative have/get
Rediģēt saturu
Līderu saraksts
Rādīt vairāk
Rādīt mazāk
Šī līderu grupa pašlaik ir privāta. Noklikšķiniet uz
, lai to publiskotu.
Mācību līdzekļa īpašnieks ir atspējojis šo līderu grupu.
Šī līderu grupa ir atspējota, jo jūsu izmantotās iespējas atšķiras no mācību līdzekļa īpašnieka iespējām.
Atjaunot sākotnējās iespējas
Nejaušības ritenis
ir atvērta veidne. Tā neģenerē rezultātus līderu grupai.
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Vizuālais stils
Nepieciešams abonements
Pārslēgt veidni
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