What is your (least) favourite class in school? , Which class are you learning the most in? , Are you part of any clubs in school?, If you were a teacher for a day, which subject would you teach?, What's your favourite song at the moment?, What's something you do when you're bored?, Do you speak any other languages?, Where's your favourite place to hang out? Why?, Do you have a big group of friends or 1 or 2 close friends?, What characteristics do you look for in a friend?, From 1 to 10, how strict are your parents?, Do you have chores at home? What are they?, Do you have brothers/sisters?, Are you an indoor/outdoor person?, What is something you really like about yourself?, Do you have a bucket list? , What will your life look like 10 years from now?, Who is your hero and why?, Do you have an ultimate goal in life?, If you were on a desert island, what 1 object would you take with you?, What made you laugh today?, What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?, Where did you go on your last vacation?, If you could watch 1 movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?.
Teens - Questions B1/B2
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