PDF - Portable Document Format, file format developed by Adobe to present documents., PHP - Hypertext Preprocessor, an HTML-embedded Web scripting language. Can be inserted into the HTML of a Web page., Plug-In - Is a bit of third-party code that extends the capabilities of a website., Pixels per Inch (PPI) - The fixed number of pixels that a screen can display and the density of pixels within a digital image., Primary Navigation - The principal navigation interface on a website., Progressive Enhancement - Is a strategy for web design that uses web technologies in a layered fashion that allows everyone to access the basic content and functionality of a web page, using any browser or Internet connection, while also providing those with better bandwidth or more advanced browser software an enhanced version of the page., Property - Is a CSS term and is roughly equivalent to an HTML tag. Properties are what define how a style should appear on a given web page., Pseudo-element - Is an element used to add a special effect to certain selectors., Pseudo class - Are used to add special effects to certain CSS selectors., Python - Is commonly used for website and web app creation. It applies a common backend logic, meaning that the code is running on the server rather than in the browser., Really Simple Syndication - Is a standardized XML format that allows content to be syndicated from one site to another. It’s most commonly used on blogs., Resolution - Refers to the physical number of pixels displayed on a screen (such as 1280x1024)., Responsive Layout - Web development approach that creates dynamic changes to the appearance of a website…page elements reshuffle as the viewport grows or shrinks., Search Bar - The text field for searching the content if we know the keyword in between the actual sentence., Schema - Is an XML document used in place of a DTD to describe other XML documents., Script - Generally refers to a portion of code on an HTML page that makes the page more dynamic and interactive. Can be written in a variety of languages, including JavaScript., Secondary Navigation - Comprises the links to content that is less important than primary pages, but should still be easily accessible from any location on the site., Selected State - Indicates user selection of options using one of the following input methods: tap, cursor, keyboard, or voice. Should receive medium emphasis so they are easily identifiable, but not distracting., Selector - In CSS, it is the item a style will be applied to., Semantic Markup - Content is written within XHTML tags that offer context to what the content contains. Refers to using items like header and paragraph tags. It is also being used to provide much more useful context to web pages in an effort to make the web as a whole more semantic., Server-Side - Refers to scripts run on a web server, as opposed to in a user’s browser., SGML - It’s a markup language used for defining the structure of a document., Sidebar - (in a graphical user interface) a narrow vertical area that is located alongside the main display area, typically containing related information or navigation options., SOAP - It’s an XML-based protocol exchanging information across the internet to allow an application on one site to access an application or database on another site., Specification - Is a document that offers an explicit definition and requirements for a web service or technology and generally includes how the technology is meant to be used, along with the tags, elements, and any dependencies., Static Layout - Sometimes called a “fixed” layout or “fixed width” layout uses a preset page size and does not change based on the browser width., Style Guide - A type of template file consisting of font and layout settings to give a standardized look to certain documents., Tag - Is a set of markup characters that are used around an element to indicate its start and end. Can also include HTML or other code to specify how that element should look or behave on the page., Template - Is a file used to create a consistent design across a website., Tint - A shade or variety of colour,

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