Tammy is a girl ____ goes to my school. My aunt came to visit my grandma ____ injured her leg. The book ____ I'm reading is really interesting. The movie ____ we saw last night was really scary. The car ____ tires were stolen was parked on the street. The house ____ roof was damaged in the storm is being repaired. The man ____ stole my wallet has been caught by the police. The cake ____ I baked for the party was a huge hit. The woman ____ teaches my English class is from Canada. The person ____ I spoke to on the phone was very helpful. ____ he said really surprised me. I don't understand ____ you're trying to say. This is the only perfume ____ I love. She saw a man and his dog ____ were jogging toward her.

Relative Pronoun [who, whom, what, that, whose, which]

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