Rural - relating to or characteristic of the countryside, Suburban - relating to a residential area on the outskirts of a city, outskirts - the outer parts of a town or city , metropolitan - relating to a large city and its surrounding area, countryside - the rural areas and the scenery outside of towns and cities, neighborhood - a specific area of a town or city where people live, downtown - the central business district of a city, to commute - travel to and from work, typically on a regular basis, infrastructure - the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society, such as transportation, communication, and power systems, architecture - the art and science of designing and constructing buildings, green space - an area of grass, trees, or other vegetation set apart for recreational or aesthetic purposes in an urban environment, skyline - the outline of buildings, mountains, or trees seen against the sky, gentrification - the process of renovating and improving a neighborhood, often leading to an influx of wealthier residents and displacement of lower-income residents, communal - shared by or involving members of a community, amenities - features that provide comfort, convenience, or pleasure, such as parks, museums, or restaurants, zoning - the process of dividing a city or town into zones or areas for different uses, such as residential-homes, commercial-business, or industrial-factories , pedestrian-friendly - made to be easily accessible and safe for pedestrians (people) to travel by foot, run-down (adjective) - to be in poor condition,
Places of living, city and countryside vocabulary
high school and up
adult students
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