1) 1. The student wanted to finish her homework. a) quick b) quickly 2) 2. Todd walked very _______ down the hallway. 走廊 a) sneaky b) sneakily 偷偷摸摸地 3) The student was in such a hurry 太匆忙 that she did ____ on the assignment. 作業 a) bad b) badly 4) The girl sang _____. 唱得好聽 a) beautiful b) beautifully 5) The classroom was very ___. a) noisy b) noisily 6) Antonio pulled his arm back and threw the football ___.  a) hard b) hardly 幾乎不 7) Whoever made the cake did a ___ job. a) wonderful b) wonderfully 8) She was running down the hallway _____ . a) crazy b) crazily 9) She answered the question ____ .完整地回答問題 a) full b) fully 10) The flowers smelled _____. 聞起來很香 a) good b) well


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