the worst advice you were ever given, the worst present you ever received, the best food you've ever eaten, your last date, the weirdest dream you've had, a wedding you have been to, the last thing that made you smile, what you like most about yourself, what you like most about your friends, the last thing that made you really laugh, what tattoo you would get, if you ever got one, something you wish you could do every day, the top three things on your bucket list, where you see yourself in 5 years, what success means to you, the most difficult thing you've ever done, a lesson you learnt from your parents, how you are similar to each other, your favourite thing to do as a child, your dream job, your favourite book, your pet peeves, your favourite place in the world, how you would survive on a desert island, the silliest thing you've posted online, one food you could eat every day for the rest of your life, a movie you could watch over and over again, the name you would have called yourself, your least favourite chore, three things you are grateful for today, something you've won, your first job, your morning routine, something you find relaxing.
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