How long has your company been around? - Our company has been in business since 2014., How long have you known her? - I have known her for ages. Probably over 20 years., How long has she been acting this way? - She has been angry since she heard that her friend in marketing got fired., How long have you been smoking? - For 7 years already. But I can't quit. I'm addicted., How long have you been on hold? - I've been waiting on the phone for over an hour. This stupid music is pissing me off!!!, How long has the baby been sick? - For 2 days. He's thrown up 10 times or so I guess. I've lost count actually., How long has he been in the restroom? - For 20 minutes give or take? Do you think I should go and check up on him?, How long have you been learning Polish? - I’ve been taking lessons for 5 month now., How long have you been developing this new feature? - I’ve been working on it for the last four months, ensuring it meets all user requirements., How long have you been mentoring new employees? - I’ve been a mentor for two years, helping newcomers acclimate and develop their skills., How long have you been preparing for the certification exam? - I’ve been studying diligently for about 8 months to ensure I pass on the first attempt., How long have you been contemplating a career change? - I’ve been considering it for almost a year now, ever since I started feeling unfulfilled at work.,

Real-world mini dialogues with "how long+present perfect"

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