1) How long ____________ the violin? a) did you play b) have you played 2) I ____________in Barcelona in 2010. a) have lived b) lived 3) I _____________ abroad. a) have never lived b) didn't live 4) I ___________ since I was 18. a) have had a driving licence b) had a driving licence 5) I ______________ to the supermarket yesterday. a) have gone b) went 6) _______ you _______ University yet? a) did / finish b) have / finished 7) I ______ a movie last night. a) watched b) have watched 8) I ________ to class on time. a) haven't arrived b) didn't arrive 9) I __________ dinner yet. a) haven't cooked b) didn't cook 10) _______ you ever ________ to France? a) have / gone  b) did / go   c) have / been 11) She __________ the train to work today. a) hasn't catched b) didn't catch c) hasn't caught 12) They _____________ married since 1975. a) were b) have been c) was 13) He __________ as a doctor for 6 years. a) has worked b) worked 14) _______ you ever _______ to the USA? a) have / been b) did / go 15) _____ you ______ sport when you were a child? a) have / played b) did / play 16) Elvis Presley __________ Australia. a) has never visited b) didn't visit c) have never visited 17) Adele _________ 6 Grammy awards. a) has won b) have won c) won 18) I _________ English for 6 months.  a) have studied b) studied 19) I ______ a Nokia 3210 in 1999. a) had b) have had 20) She ________ to Japan. a) didn't go b)  has never been c) has not been

Quiz Present perfect or past simple?


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