addition - adding something to something else, advance - moving forward or making progress, advanced - having a high level of knowledge or skill, advertising - the activity of promoting products or services by making them known to the public, among other things - in addition to other things, analysis - the process of examining something carefully in order to understand it, appear - to come into sight or to be seen, approach - a way of thinking about or dealing with something/getting closer to a place, as - when, while, at least - the smallest possible number or amount, average - ordinary, usual, be responsible for - to have the duty or obligation to take care of or do something, before - in the past or earlier than something else, besides - in addition to, can - to be able to do something, sometimes happening, challenge - a difficult task or problem , chance - the possibility that something will happen, characteristic - a quality or feature that is typical of something., claim - a statement that something is true, especially when it is not clear whether it is true or not, come - to arrive at a place, common - often seen or experienced; widespread., change - coins and notes that are used as money, complicated - difficult to understand or do, concern - a feeling of worry or anxiety about something, conditions - the state of something, especially when it is important or necessary, conduct - to carry out or manage something, consequence - The result or outcome of something, considerable - Something that is large or important, cope - to deal with something difficult or challenging, critic - A person who judges or evaluates something, especially negatively,
Band 3 List A- DEFINITIONS(addition-critic)
Band 3 vocabulary
בית ספר תיכון
כיתה 10
כיתה 11
כיתה 12
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