1) Hg is the symbol for a) mercury b) hydrogen c) silver 2) kalium is the latin for a) phosphorous b) calcium c) potassium 3) Elements are made up of a) one type of molecule b) one type of electron c) one type of atom 4) Synthetic means a) made by humans b) occur in nature 5) each element has identical a) atoms b) symbols c) molecules d) formulae 6) Antoine Lavosier sorted elements according to a) their name b) their properties c) their place on the periodic table 7) Dimitri Mendeleev's periodic table was unique because a) he included atomic mass b) he sorted elements according to property c) he used symbols d) he left gaps for undiscovered elements he predicted 8) Elements combine to form a) a mixture b) a compound c) more elements 9) compounds contain a) two or more elements chemically mixed b) two or more elements chemically bonded c) metals and non metal chemically bonded 10) The ide/ate rule says Na2SO4 is a) sodium sulphur oxide b) sodium sulphide c) sodium oxide d) sodium sulphate 11) The ide/ate rule says CaCO3 is a) calcium carbon oxide b) calcium hydroxide c) calcium carbonate 12) chromatography is used to a) separate materials according to solubility b) separate materials according to colour c) separate materials according to temperature 13) Iron and sulfur can be separated magnetically because a) iron is magnetic, sulfur is not b) iron is metal, sulfur is not c) iron conducts electricity, sulfur does not 14) metals are not a) maleable b) brittle c) sonorous 15) ductile means a) can be separated by heat b) can be turned into a wire c) can be hammered into shape 16) iodine is a non metal that a) sublimes with a little heat b) melts with a little heat c) turns green with a little heat

FFynone House: elements, compounds mixtures Y8

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