blockbuster - A best-selling film., forum - A webpage where people take part in online discussions is a website, wikipedia - This website has facts and information about many different subjects., novel - A written story about fictional characters., autobiography  - A book that someone writes about their own life., manual - A book that tells you how to do something, especially how to use a machine., tweet - A short message on a social media website., biography - The story someone writes about someone else's, article - A piece of writing about a particular subject is an online, blog - A type of website containing information or opinions from a particular person or about a particular subject. New information or comments are added regularly., gossip - A ____ magazine is about the behaviour and private lives of famous people., poetry - Poems in general., manga - Japanese comics, often action-adventure, which are read by all ages., update - The latest online news on an event or person is a social media, lyrics - The words of a song,

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