1) " I am really hungry". Tom says that a) he is really hungry b) I am really hungry c) he was really hungry 2) "I am too tired". My mom says that a) I am too tired b) she was too tired c) she is too tired 3) " I have to go". Elsa told me that a) she has to go b) she had to go c) I had to go d) I have to go 4) " Your room is a mess!" My mom told me that a) your room is a mess b) my room was a mess c) my room is a mess 5) "Sam reads a lot". Tim has told me that a) Sam reads a lot b) Sam read a lot c) Tim reads a lot 6) "Anything can happen!" Alan shouted at us that a) anything could happen b) anything can happen 7) " I will travel more". Susie told me that a) I will travel more b) she will travel more c) she would travel more 8) " I am free today". Helen had told me that a) she was free that day b) she is free today c) I was free that day 9) "They are already at home". Peter tells me that a) they were already at home b) they are already at home 10) " I have studied enough" Nellie said that a) she has studied enough b) she had studied enough c) I had studied enough 11) "I had never seen her!" Mark said that a) he had never seen her b) I had never seen her c) he has never seen her 12) "I need the job". Matthew says that a) he needed the job b) he needs the job c) I need the job

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