1) IBy 9 o’clock, her daughter ………………… asleep. a) falls b) will go c) is going to fall d) will have fallen 2) I ...........buy a present for Tim. a) am going to b) will be c) am d) will have  3) I .............clean my room tomorrow. a) am b) Will c) have d) be 4) If you go out in the rain, you ............. wet. a) will get b) get c) are getting  d) have gotten  5) I .............my friend tonight. a) meet b) am meeting c) have met d) have been meeting 6) .......................anything tonight? a) Do you do b) Are you doing c) Does you do d) will you doing 7) How ..........he get here from the train station? a) is b) do c) will d) are 8) when she ............., he ................to work. a) wakes up/ will go b) wakes up/ will have gone c) will wake up/ will up d) is waking up/ will have gone  9) Suzy .......... French ............2015. a) teach/ since  b) teach/ for c) has taught/ since d) has taught/ for  10) Adul M.6/1. rarely .............. school. a) miss b) misses c) missed d) did miss


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