Would you rather swim in a pool full of Nutella or a pool full of maple syrup?, Would you rather work on a hot day or a very cold day?, Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or always be 20 minutes early?, Would you rather travel the world for free for a year or have $50,000 to spend?, Would you rather give up your phone for a month or showering for a month?, Would you rather have seven fingers on each hand or seven toes on each foot?, Would you rather eat only pizza for a year or not eat any pizza for five years?, Would you rather be the funniest person in a room or the smartest person in a room?, Would you rather someone see all the photos in your phone or read all your messages?, Would you rather have lots of money or be famous?, Would you rather be invisible or be able to fly?, Would you rather have a third ear or a third eye?, Would you rather be rich working a job you hate or be poor working a job you love?, Would you rather never eat your favorite food for the rest of your life or only eat your favorite food?, Would you rather stop brushing your hair or stop brushing your teeth?, Would you rather read the book or watch the movie?, Would you rather eat chocolate on pizza or never eat chocolate ever again?, Would you rather have your own theme park or your own zoo?, Would you rather lose all of your teeth or all of your hair?, Would you rather be rich with no friends or poor and have lots of good friends?, Would you rather go deep-sea diving or bungee jumping?, Would you rather hear the good news or the bad news first?.

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