Have you got a hobby?, Which hobbies cost nothing at all?, Why do people have hobbies?, When do you do your homework?, What time do you think high school students should go to bed?, What's your favorite language?, If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be?, What kind of music do your parents listen to?, Do you think music can heal sick people?, What is your favorite country? And why?, What is your favorite memory of childhood?, What's your favorite smell?, Who is your favorite TV star?, Do you use your real name on the Internet?, If a friend was talking about suicide would you keep their secret or tell their parents?, Do you walk alone at night in your home city?, If you had grown up in a different city, how would your life have been different?, Do you think your country should spend more money on schools?, About how much do you usually spend each day?, What are some ways that you use to prevent wrinkles?.

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