1) I use the key to... a) speak with friends b) open the door c) see photos 2) He uses the mobile phone to... a) open a door b) speak with friends c) play football 3) They buy headphones to... a) listen to music b) play football c) see photos 4) She uses the tablet to... a) open a door b) play videogames c) to play tennis 5) We use the emojis to… a) express feelings b) play a videogame c) watch a video 6) I use the computer to... a) watch videos b) open a door c) eat a sandwich 7) Tom goes to the hospital to… a) visit the animals b) visit the doctor c) visit the family 8) We go to the park to… a) to buy some clothes b) to travel by plane c) to play with friends 9) Sarah eats broccoli to… a) have superpowers b) stay healthy c) turn green 10) The children go to Institut Escola to… a) learn Maths b) do PdT c) play werewolves

Grammar2: Infinitive of purpose

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