You go to town with odd shoes on. How does it make you feel?, You lose your credit card. How does it make you feel?, A friend breaks a promise. How does it make you feel?, You win a lot of money. How does it make you feel?, A friend can’t come to your party. How does it make you feel?, Your friend moves to another country. How does it make you feel?, You don’t understand some grammar. How does it make you feel?, You are going on holiday soon. How does it make you feel?, You get stuck in a traffic jam. How does it make you feel?, A waiter or waitress ignores you. How does it make you feel?, You travel by airplane. How does it make you feel?, A beggar asks you for money. How does it make you feel?, A stranger tries to cheer you up. How does it make you feel?, You have to wait a long time for something important. How does it make you feel?, You watch a horror movie. How does it make you feel?, A shop assistant tries to sell you something. How does it make you feel?, You help someone. How does it make you feel?, You have to do a difficult exam or work project. How does it make you feel?, You and your friend laugh a lot. How does it make you feel?, You eat too much. How does it make you feel?, Someone constantly interrupts you. How does it make you feel?, A friend cancels plans you guys have together. How does it make you feel?, You got soaked in the rain. How does it make you feel?, You get invited to your colleague’s wedding. How does it make you feel?, A motorist drives closely behind you. How does it make you feel?, You make a mistake. How does it make you feel?, Many people like a post you wrote online. How does it make you feel?, You exercise a lot. How does it make you feel?, The other day, I got my exam results and I was overjoyed to find out that I passed with flying colours. But when I rang my friend to arrange a night out to celebrate, I found out that she had done really badly. She’s really upset and doesn’t want to go out. It’s really awkward because I did so well, and I’m disappointed we can’t go out and paint the town red. What should I do to make her feel better?, Last week, this girl invited me out to the cinema. I was really delighted because I really liked her. We went out and had a really good time. But yesterday, I saw her hanging out with her friends and I told her what a good time I’d had. She made fun of me and said she didn’t know what I was talking about. I felt really embarrassed, and now I’m really confused because I don’t know if she likes me or not. What should I do?, There’s a boy at our school who my friend and I have always really liked. The problem is that last week he asked me out, and of course I said yes. I’m really excited about it, but my friend is really annoyed. I think she’s jealous. Now she wants nothing to do with me any more. What can I do to convince her that she’s still important to me?, We have to do presentations for a test next week, and I’m really worried about it. The thing is, I get really nervous when I’m talking in front of people and I know I’m going to make a real mess of it. The problem is, I’m usually a pretty good student at school, and my dad is going to be furious if I get bad marks. What should I do?, I feel amazed when _________., Last time I felt angry was because _________., Last time I felt bored was when _________., ____________________ makes me feel confused., I feel determined to _________., I feel excited from _________., I feel happy when _________., I feel hopeful about _________., I feel insecure about _________., Last time I felt jealous was when _________., When people feel sad I _________., ____________________ makes me feel uncomfortable., I feel grateful for _________., When people feel demotivated I _________., I feel energetic when _________..
Conversation: Feelings
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