Professor Clark is an American ____. He works in a ____ in the town of Brillo. He works with white ____ to create a ____ which will make people live forever. Tasha is professor Clark's young ____. She is ____ about the serum and professor Clark's ideas. She calls the local TV crew because she wants to speak to the ____ about the serum. One day, a big ____ hits the town. Some serum is all over the floor and in the ground under the lab which is near the ____. Dead people in the cemetery are suddenly ____ again and they are after them. A lot of ____ come after Professor Clark. Leroy and Ella, members of the TV crew are ____ by zombies. They become zombies. Tasha, Chaz and a tanker ____ driver Sam kill the zombies with fire. Professor Clark becomes a ____ himself.

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