1) to ____________________ a meeting (= to invite people to a meeting) a) summond b) require c) call d) gather 2) to get a ____________________ (= to be heard) a) attention b) hearing c) listening d) notice 3) to ____________________ aims (= to fulfill the aims) a) achieve b) meet c) arrive d) manage 4) the more ____________________ issue (= the more controversial issue) a) argumentative b) disagreeable c) quarrelsome d) contentious 5) to have a ____________________ (= to let the voice be heard) a) speak b) say c) state d) opinion 6) ____________________ the importance of someting (= evaluate the importance of something) a) assess b) advise c) weigh d) appraise 7) dominating the ____________________ (= dominating the meeting) a) proceedings b) undertakings c) procedure d) dealings 8) to ____________________ time for something (= to assign a portion of time) a) share b) budget c) allot d) set 9) have a clear ____________________ of what happened (= general view) a) insight b) preview c) hindsight d) overview 10) ____________________ skills (= very important skills) a) valueless b) invaluable c) valued d) priceless 11) active ____________________ skills (= be able to pay attention) a) hearing b) audition c) attention d) listening 12) to ____________________ a further meeting (= provide the idea of a further meeting) a) suggest b) advise c) indicate d) move

Advice for chairing meetings collocations


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