Soy - I am, atlético (a) - athletic, inteligente - intelligent, simpático (a) - nice/pleasant, antipático (a) - unpleasant, social - social, organizado (a) - organized, desorganizado (a) - disorganized, serio (a) - serious, trabajador (a) - hardworking , hablador (a) - talkative, perezoso(a) - lazy, tímido (a) - shy/timid, responsable - responsible, ambicioso (a) - ambitious, listo (a) - smart/clever, creativo (a) - creative, cómico (a) - funny, activo (a) - active, considerado (a) - thoughtful, servicial - helpful, leer - to read, estudiar - to study, hablar español - to speak Spanish, escribir - to write, mirar videos - to watch videos, jugar juegos - to play games, practicar - to practice, participar - to participate, preparar - to prepare, cooperar - to cooperate, perseverar - to persevere, navegar por el Web - to surf the Web, ayudar - to help, compartir - to share,

Adjectives - Soy estudiante


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