Paystub - A digital or paper record of earnings, wage, taxes and more., Gross Pay - The large amount of money before taxes are deducted., Net pay - The actual amount of money you will receive., Deduction - Something that is taken away, for example taxes., Physical Boundary - A boundary including physial personal space, body and more., Invisible Boundary - A boundary including emotional and mental among others., Direct Deposit - When money goes directly into your bank account., Loonie - Canadian one dollar coin., Toonie - Canadian two dollar coin., Personal Privacy - The right to choose what personal details we would like to share, $5.00 - The smallest bill in CAD. money , Destructive Criticism - Being criticized in a rude or unhelpful way , Stephen - The skelton hanging in our classroom , Budgeting - Learning how to use your money so you have enough for you to have for your needs and wants , Constructive Criticism - Being criticized in a polite and helpful way, Kermit - A frog, Vecna - A creature from the Upsidedown, The Conjuring - A scary movie, Pikachu - A Pokemon, Soft Skills - Skills that help you get along with people,
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