1) 31. John … very hard at the moment. a) a) worked b) b) has worked c) c) is working 2) 32. … I help you carry those bags? a) a) shall b) b) will c) c) do 3) 33. We always … fish on Sundays. a) a) are going to eat b) b) eat c) c) eats 4) 34. “Why have you got those flowers?” “Because I … my brother in hospital.” a) a) am going to visit b) b) visiting c) c) visit 5) 35. Tony … a box of sweets last Monday. a) a) has bought b) b) bought c) c) had bought 6) 36. Ann is a teacher. She … for fifteen years. a) a) has been teaching b) b) taught c) c) was teaching 7) 37. She … lunch before the children came home. a) a) cooked b) b) has cooked c) c) had cooked 8) 38. She … some letters when the boss asked her into his office. a) a) typed b) b) had typed c) c) was typing 9) 39. He … for an hour when he reached the village. a) a) had been driving b) b) was driving c) c) has been driving 10) 40. How long … a driving license? a) a) did you had b) b) have you had c) c) had you had 11) 41. When I arrived at the party everyone … . a) a) danced b) b) is dancing c) c) was dancing 12) 42. Bob said he … come to the party but he wasn’t sure. a) a) should b) b) might c) c) needn’t 13) 43. Are you going to London this year? No, I … there twice already. a) a) went b) b) have gone c) c) have been 14) 44. If she … the window, she wouldn’t have had to pay for a new one. a) a) hadn’t broken b) b) haven’t broken c) c) didn’t broken 15) 45. If she studied more, she … a better student. a) a) would be b) b) will be c) c) would have been 16) 46. If you win that competition, you … rich. a) a) would be b) b) will be c) c) would have been 17) 47. I … Pete your message if I should see him today. a) a) will give b) b) would give c) c) give 18) 48. I … that the situation is out of control. a) a) see b) b) am seeing c) c) is seeing 19) 49. … this party? a) a) do you enjoy b) b) are you enjoying c) c) does you enjoy 20) 50. You haven’t said a word all morning. What … about? a) a) do you think b) b) are you thinking c) c) did you think 21) 51. These flowers … nice. a) a) smell b) b) are smelling c) c) smells 22) 52. Why … in your pockets? Have you lost anything? a) a) are you feeling b) b) do you feel c) c) you feel 23) 53. Anna is Italian. She … from Italy. a) a) is coming b) b) comes c) c) come 24) 54. Paul … to a new record in his room. a) a) listen b) b) listens c) c) is listening 25) 55. Joan … 50 kilos. a) a) weight b) b) weighs c) c) is weighting 26) 56. Mary … very naughty these days. a) a) is b) b) is being c) c) are 27) 57. By 7.00 p.m. they … cricket for eight hours. a) a) will have been playing b) b) will play c) c) will have played 28) 58. I … painting your room by the time you get home. a) a) have been finished b) b) shall finish c) c) will have finished 29) 59. Tom … his third novel by the end of this year. a) a) will be written b) b) will has written c) c) will have written 30) 60. By the time he arrives in London, John … for five hours. a) a) will drive b) b) will have driven c) c) will have been driving

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