1) ________ the office _____ the library are open. a) both ... and b) just as .... so 2) Both my mother _______ my father are Salvadorean. a) so b) and c) or 3) Either Miguel ______ Samuel will be there. a) or b) and c) but also 4) I ______ like onions ______ garlic. a) just as ... so b) both ... and c) neither .... nor 5) Whether you drive _____ or ______ please drive carefully. a) fast ... slow b) high ... low c) big ... small 6) I ____________ speak Spanish ____________ speak English. a) just as ... so b) whether ... or c) not only ... but also 7) I played _______ soccer _____ basketball in school. a) whether ... or b) both ... and c) just as ... so 8) ________ I will drink a cup of coffee ____ tea. a) Either ... or b) both ... and 9) she can _____ make cookies ____ pasta. a) both ... and b) neither ... nor 10) I am not sure _____________ I will go to school tomorrow ____ not. a) weather ...or b) whether ... or 11) I have _______ a cat ____ a dog. a) neither ... nor b) either ...or c) both ... and d) not only ... but also 12) I can play __________ guitar but also piano. a) not only b) both c) either d) neither

correlative conjunction


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