1) "He will come tomorrow." She told me that he ________ the next day. a) is coming b) will come c) would come 2) "I see the clouds." He told me that she ________ the clouds. a) sees b) is seeing c) saw 3) "My mother is taking the bus to work tomorrow". He told me that his mother ________ the bus to work the next day. a) is taking b) was taking c) will take 4) "I will call you". I told her that I ________ her. a) will call b) would call c) would have called 5) . "I have been there". She told me that she ________ there. a) had been b) has been c) was 6) "I will be studying tomorrow". I told him that I ________ the next day. a) will be studying b) would be studying c) will study 7) "Open the window!" He asked me ________ the window. a) to open b) opened c) open 8) "I am happy". She told me that she ________ happy. a) has been b) is c) was 9) "I have seen that movie". He told me that he ________ that movie. a) had seen b) will have seen c) has seen 10) "I am flying to India tomorrow". He told me that he ________ the next day. a) is flying b) will fly c) was flying 11) "Are you listening to me?"  She asked me if I ______________. a) I was listening to her b) I was listening to me c) was I listening to her 12) "This is the picture of my sister." She said _________________. a) this was a picture of her sister b) that was a picture of her sister c) that had been a picture of her sister 13) "I'm looking for a free table." Yesterday at the restaurant she told me __________________. a) she had been looking for a free table b) she has been looking for a free table c) she was looking for a free table 14) "I've got a surprise for you." She smiled and told me ________________. a) she had a surprise for him b) she had a surprise for me c) she had a surprise for them 15) "She can't speak Spanish." Yesterday she told me that _________________Spanish. a) she couldn't have spoken b) she wasn't speaking c) she couldn't speak 16) ""Do you like pizza?" He asked me _____________ pizza a) if I liked b) if he liked c) if did he like 17) "I broke it when I was playing football." The boy said he had broken it ______________. a) if he was playing football b) when he had been playing football c) when he was playing football 18) "It's so good to see you again!" She said that________________. a) it was so good to see me again b) she was very happy to see me c) it was so good to see you again 19) "Peter will leave tomorrow." Yesterday he said me that_________________________. a) Peter will leave tomorrow b) Peter is leaving today c) Peter would leave the next day 20) "If you come with me, I'll tell you a secret.  She told me ______________________. a) if I came with her, she would tell me a secret b) if I came with her, she will told me a secret c) if I come with her, she will tell you a secret 21) "This castle is my house." When I visited her in her country she said to me ______________. a) this castle was her house b) that castle is her house c) that castle was her house


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