Acquire - to get or gain , Achievable - You have the skills to complete your goal , Acronym  - A word made up of letters in which each letter stands for a word starting with that letter , Bear with (someone) - Be patient , Chances are - It probably will happen , Cut (someone) some slack - To not judge someone too hard, give space to make mistakes , Deadline - Due date to complete a goal or task , Determine - decide on or choose , Focus on - pay attention to , Give up - quit, stop trying , Hit the ground running - To start with energy and enthusiasm, wasting no time, Illiterate - Can't read and write , Job Prospects - The possibility of getting a job in the future, Literate - Can read and write , Make sense - to be reasonable, logical, understandable, Measurable - Can know how much or how many, Relevant - important for my life , Specific - Clear, detailed, exact , Stand for - Represent , Literacy  - The ability to read and write ,

SMART Goals Review Game


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