1) वह यह काम कर सकता है । a) He can do this task. b) He cans do this task 2) वह यहाँ जॉब कर सकती है । a) She can did this task there. b) She can do this task here. 3) वे अंग्रेजी नही बोल सकते हैं । a) They cannot spoke English. b) They cannot speak English. 4) मैं यह उठा सकता हूँ । a) I can lift it. b) I can’t lift it. 5) क्या तुम अकेले यहाँ रुक सकते हो ? a) Can you stay here alone. b) Can you stayed here alone. 6) मैं आपके लिए क्या कर सकता हूँ ? a) What I can do for you? b) What can I do for you? 7) तुम यह किताब क्यों नहीं पढ़ सकते हो ? a) Why you cannot read this book? b) Why cannot you read this book? 8) वह मेरे सामने अंग्रेजी नहीं बोल सकी । a) She could speak English before me. b) She could not speak English before me. 9) मैं जा नहीं पाया। a) I could not went there. b) I could not go there. 10) क्या तुम कल रात सो पाये ? a) Could you sleep last night? b) Could you slept last night? 11) क्या तुमे सिख पाओगे ? a) Will you leaning? b) Will you able to learn? c) Will you be able to learn? 12) मैं आज खेल नहीं पाउँगा . a) I will not play today. b) I will not be play today. c) I will not be able to play today. 13) क्या वे जीत पाएंगे ? a) Will the win? b) Will they be able to win? c) Will they be win? 14) मैं आपकी कोई मदद नहीं कर सकता | a) I can't help you at all. b) I can help you.

Hindi to English Translation_ Use of can & could_ 8901540861 (Vikram_ esc24x7)

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