1) What should you NOT do at night?  a) study b) walk alone with headphones in c) go to a party d) study on campus  2) Before putting clothes in the laundry machine, what should you do? a) turn clothes inside out b) soak them in the sink c) check the pockets d) add bleach to them  3) Don’t do what to your sweaters? a) put them in the dryer b) bleach them c) soak them over night in the sink d) shave them  4) For your delicate clothes consider buying what for the laundry machine? a) a laundry net b) cheap detergent c) softener beads d) a plastic box with holes  5) To avoid the growth of mildew, how long can wet clothes stay in the machine? a) 30 min b) 5-10 hours  c) 1-2 days  d) 8-12 hours 6) Besides cooking rice in a rice cooker, in a nabe or microwave, what is another way to prepare rice? a) with fire b) boiling it in its packaging c) leaving it in the summer sun d) using your hair dryer  7) If your food tastes like trash, add what? a) tears b) prayers c) butter d) throw it away  8) In my opinion, it’s always good to keep what kind of food in the house? a) sweets b) carbs c) alcohol d) fruits 9) As a first time cook, you should always do what? a) try and make croissants b) buy a cookbook c) salt your food d) throughly cook your meats 10) In my opinion, make clean up easier by buying what? a) disposable plates, chopsticks, cups, etc. b) buying glassware c) expensive soap d) eating from the pot you used to cook 11) To keep yourself more organized, you should a) cry b) write things down c) Memorize the things you need to do d) read motivational quotes  12) Make time for_________. a) studying at least 5 hours a day b) cooking a three course dinner every night. c) relaxing d) a full time job 13) Start a_________. a) fight b) savings account c) trend d) revolution 14) Do NOT fall for__________.  a) clubs wanting new members b) people wanting to be friends c) scams that ask you for money  d) a cat you find outside your apartment 15) Invest in__________. a) pet b) boyfriend/girlfriend c) the stock market d) toolbox 16) Unless you absolutely have to, what should you NOT get. a) a credit card b) two cats  c) brain surgery d) a boy friend  17) What SHOULD you do weekly?  a) play Animal Crossing b) call home  c) go to a nightclub d) read manga  18) What health is just as important as physical health a) your mental health b) your friends health c) your teachers health d) your fishes health  19) What is the “freshman 15”? a) sleeping for 15 hours b) studying for 15 hours a week c) gaining 6.8 kilograms in weight d) running 9 kilometers a day 20) In The U.S. we have the “freshman 15”,what causes this? (Trick question)  a) eating late at night b) drinking too many sugary drinks c) eating out too much d) decrease in physical activity 21) What is one way to keep yourself safe on campus? a) buy a sword b) learn judo c) buy pepper spray d) sharpen your pencils  22) Watch your________. a) face b) cup c) friends favorite movie d) neighbors dog  23) It’s okay to lie when________.  a) you get caught cheating b) someone is making you feel uncomfortable c) you want money d) you get a pet and you don’t want to tell your parents

Are You Ready For University


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