1) Rita never acts so rudely, ____? a) is she b) isnt she c) does she 2) I am afraid Tim is very sick, ____? a) isn't he b) aren't I c) doesn't he 3) They're from Canada, ____? a) wasn't they b) doesn't they c) aren't they 4) We missed the train, ___? a) don't we b) didn't we c) aren't we 5) Adam isn't very friendly, ____? a) was he b) has he c) is he 6) I am concerned that Laila is unwell, ____? a) isn't she b) aren't I c) wasn't she 7) I love watching movies, ____? a) didn't I b) aren't I c) don't I 8) We've already eat burger at the park, _____? a) haven't we b) hadn't we c) have we 9) John keeps talking all the time. That's disgusting, ____________? a) isn't it b) wasn't it c) doesn't he 10) He wouldn't agree with you, __________________? a) would him b) would he c) has he 11) She hardly said anything, ________? a) didn't she b) did she c) does she 12) You like chocolates,______? a) have you b) did you c) don't you 13) Omar can speak Italian,_____? a) can he b) couldn't he c) can't he 14) The kids will come back at 5,____? a) don't they b) won't they c) didn't they 15) I'm your friend,____? a) doesn't I b) aren't I c) don't I 16) They must wear school uniform,_____? a) mustn't they b) must they be c) mustn't them 17) You read it last year,_____? a) don't you b) hadn't you c) didn't you 18) I'm never on time, ________? a) am I b) are I c) did I 19) Lina eats cheese, _______? a) wasn't she b) hasn't she c) doesn't she 20) Real Madrid is the best team in the world,________? a) wasn't it b) isnt it c) isn't they 21) He have an appointment now,______? a) don't he b) doesn't he c) didn't he 22) You have bought new phone,_____? a) don't you b) haven't you c) aren't you 23) She had a computer,____? a) doesn't she b) didn't she c) wasn't she 24) It's beautiful,_____? a) wasn't it b) is it c) isn't it 25) Lets go home,_____?(exception) a) shouldn't we b) shall we c) should we

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