1) What is the name of the season where the Nile floods? a) Akhet b) Peret c) Shemu 2) What happens during Peret? a) Egyptians sow their crops in the rich black soil. b) Egyptians harvest their crops. c) Egyptians eat lots of food. d) Egyptians harvest their crops. 3) During which season do Egyptians harvest their crops? a) Shemu b) Peret c) Akhet 4) When is Akhet (flooding season)? a) June to September b) October to February c) March to May 5) What would Egyptians do during Akhet (flooding season)? a) Repair tools, fishing, building. b) Swimming, playing, relaxing. c) Harvest crops, repair canals. 6) What foods did the Egyptians grow? a) Tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce. b) Grains, grapes, figs, vegetables, flax. c) Lemons, limes, cherries. 7) Which of these is a good reason to live near the Nile? a) Drowning. b) Mosquitoes. c) Easy to travel to other places. d) Crocodiles. 8) Which of these might you find in a tomb? a) Concrete. b) Electronics. c) Jewellery. d) Books. 9) How did Egyptians write? a) Alphabet. b) Morse code. c) Hieroglyphics. 10) What continent is Egypt in? a) Europe. b) Africa. c) Asia 11) Why was water so important to Egyptians? a) They loved going swimming. b) There was a great water God who they respected. c) Egypt is a very dry country, and the Nile provided lots of opportunities. 12) Who was buried in a tomb? a) Farmers. b) Builders. c) Important Egyptians. 13) Who was Tutankhamun? a) A good builder who built many pyramids. b) An Egyptian Pharaoh. c) A cook in the royal palace. 14) Who discovered Tutankhamun's tomb and investigated it in 1922? a) Howard Carter. b) William Lucas. c) Humphrey Carroll. 15) How many artifacts were found in Tutankhamun's tomb? a) 5000 b) 5,000,000 c) 50,000,000

Ancient Egypt

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