1) What do bees give us? a) Honey b) Milk c) Wool d) Egg 2) What do cows give us? a) Honey b) Wool c) Milk d) Egg 3) What do chickens give us? a) Milk b) Honey c) Egg d) Wool 4) What do sheeps gives us? a) Milk b) Wool c) Egg d) Honey 5) Where does yogurt came from? a) Milk b) Egg c) Honey d) Meat 6) What can you use to bake cookies? a) Honey b) Egg c) Meat d) Wool 7) What can we make from sheep's wool? a) Milk and yogurt b) Eggs and bacons c) House and furniture d) Sweaters and rugs 8) What does NOT come from cow's milk? a) yogurt b) butter c) eggs d) cheese  9) What does eating meat do? a) It helps us fall asleep. b) It helps us grow and strong.  c) It helps us stay warm 10) What can we make from chicken's egg a) Sweater b) Cookies  c) Yogurt d) Honey

What Animals Give Us 2

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