Rewards and benefits of work and employment: Both work and employment help to achieve goals., Both help people to develop talents and skills., Both provide a sense of satisfaction and personal achievement., Work and employment are important for developing self-esteem., Both help us to meet new people and develop our social skills., Some types of employment provide an opportunity to travel., Rewards and benefits of volunteerism to the individual volunteer: Volunteering is a chance to learn new skills and an opportunity to use existing skills., It can lead to paid employment in the future and provides an opportunity to get work experience., It shows initiative and personal enterprise., It offers a chance to make new friends and improve social and interpersonal skills., It enhances personal satisfaction and wellbeing., Rewards and benefits of volunteerism to the organisation: Volunteers bring a range of new skills, expertise and ideas to the organisation., Organisations benefit from having passionate and highly motivated people involved., If volunteers are unpaid, more funds can be directed towards the organisation’s main aims and activities., Volunteers may act as ambassadors for the organisation in the wider community., Rewards and benefits of volunteerism to the economy: Communities tend to improve when members work together., Many voluntary organisations play an important role in reducing social isolation., The work of unpaid volunteers reduces the financial burden on the local and national government., Volunteering gets things done!,

Chapter 18 - Work, employment & volunteerism - benefits & rewards of employment & volunteerism


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