1) Don’t ............. a noise. a) make b) do c) does d) makes 2) He hasn’t ................. a decision yet. a) made b) done c) make d) do 3) I’ll ............ an appointment with the vet. a) make b) do c) made d) done 4) In fact, I’m .............. nothing. a) doing b) making c) do d) make 5) I’m going to .................. a course. a) do b) make c) did d) made 6) She should ............ some exercise. a) make b) do c) makes d) does 7) My brother .............. a mess in his bedroom. a) made b) did c) make d) do 8) John, can you ....................... the shopping? a) do b) make c) doing d) making 9) I’m nervous about my exam, but Mum said I should relax and ................ my best. a) do b) did c) made d) make 10) I've ............... a mistake in my homework and I can’t correct it. a) made b) done c) do d) make

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