1) You're at a restaurant, you look at the menu and the waiter comes to your table. You have to make a decision quickly. What's the best way to reply? a) I'm going to have the teriyaki and chocolate souffle b) I will have the teriyaki and chocolate souffle 2) You see an old man who has left a supermarket shouting for help because his grocery bag has ripped and has spilled his groceries everywhere. What's the best response? a) I'll help you b) Shall I help you? 3) A friend asks you about a future fact regarding the Olympic games, what's the best response? a) The next summer Olympic games is going to be on the 24th of July in Paris. b) The next summer Olympic games will be on the 24th of July in Paris. 4) You want to suggest some films to watch to a friend in a polite way. What's the best response? a) Should we watch Dune, Inception or Harry Potter? b) Shall we watch Dune, Inception or Harry Potter? 5) You see one of your classmates upset because they are finding the homework too difficult. They are very independent and might not want your help. What's the best response? a) Shall I help you with your homework? b) I'll help you with your homework 6) The school is on fire. The fire alarm is ringing. Your teacher is asking for any volunteer to help evacuate the school. You're brave. What's your response? a) I'll help you teacher b) Shall I help you teacher? 7) You have been a big fan of Formula 1 for years and recently your best friend has developed a love for the sport too. You have been to Silverstone (a famous F1 circuit) many times, but your friend hasn't. They will be going for the first time. What's the best response? a) You're going to love it! b) You'll love it! 8) You are going on holiday to Hawaii for the first time, your friends are super jealous. They've never been there. What's their response? a) You'll love it! b) You're going to love it 9) You are five years old, you have just seen your sister eating cookies before dinner. Your mother will be angry if she discovers this. What's the best response. a) I'm not going to say anything... for a price! b) I won't say anything.... for a price! 10) You booked an appointment to see your dentist last week. The appointment is tomorrow. You need the day off work, so you tell your boss what? a) I'm seeing a dentist tomorrow, I need the day off work. b) I'm going to see a dentist tomorrow, I need the day off work. 11) Your teacher shows you a book in class about a dream he wants to do in the future, but hasn't booked or prepared anything yet. What tense does he use? a) I am learning to sail next year b) I'm going to learn to sail next year

1B Future forms


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