1) Strong and stretchable straps of elastic tissues called ____________ a) cartilage b) ligament c) bones d) none of them 2) ____________ allows movement in all directions . a) pivot joint b) ball and socket joint c) gliding joint d) hinge joint 3) _________ is the shortest bone , present in the ear . a) femur b) pelvic girdle c) thigh bone d) stirrup 4) ______________ is the longest bone present in our body  a) back bone b) femur c) cartilage d) thigh bone 5) There are ____ sets of bones forming the rib cage . a) 13 b) 16 c) 15 d) 12 6) It consists of 22 bones ?? a) skull b) spinal cord c) rib cage d) none of them 7) Our forelimbs are attached to the spine through the ______________ a) shoulder girdle b) femur c) pelvic girdle d) sternum

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