1) In which country was the film "The Dragon Spell: Mykyta kozhumyaka" created? a) Spain b) Ukraine c) Romania 2) Where is Antonio Banderas from? a) India b) Spain c) Ukraine 3) What country is the characteristic of real-life adventures in movies typical of? a) Romania b) India c) Morocco 4) What country is the characteristic of passion and emotion in movies typical of? a) Spain b) Morocco c) Romania 5) Where is Bollywood typical from? a) Morocco b) Ukraine c) India 6) What country is the genre of drama and historical epic typical of? a) Spain b) Morocco c) Ukraine 7) What country inspired the story of the film "Encanto"? a) Ukraine b) Morocco c) Colombia 8) Where was Deepika Padukone born? a) Morocco b) India c) Ukraine 9) What country is known because of their psychological dramas and documentaries? a) Ukraine b) Spain c) Romania 10) Where is Salma Hayek from? a) India b) Latin America c) Spain

Movies around the world- 6th grade

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