1) What is the term for the reference of a word or phrase to a preceding word or phrase in a sentence? a) Anaphora b) Euphemism c) Metaphor d) Simile 2) Which type of anaphora refers to a word or phrase that refers to something mentioned later in the text? a) Forward anaphora b) Backward anaphora c) Sideways anaphora d) Upward anaphora 3) What is the purpose of using personal pronouns in a sentence? a) To refer back to the subject of the sentence b) To confuse the reader c) To add unnecessary words d) To change the meaning of the sentence 4) In English sentences, pronouns usually occur before their antecedents, which is called forward anaphora. a) True b) False 5) What is the primary function of reflexive pronouns in English? a) To emphasize a point b) To refer to a preceding noun phrase c) To replace personal pronouns d) To confuse the reader 6) Reflexive pronouns must be in the same clause as their antecedents in English sentences. a) True b) False 7) Which of the following verbs typically require the use of a reflexive pronoun as an object? a) Run b) Apply c) Read d) Jump 8) What is the restriction on the placement of a reflexive pronoun in relation to its antecedent? a) It must be in a separate clause b) It can be in any part of the sentence c) It must be in the same clause d) It must be in the dependent clause 9) In Japanese and Korean, only the subject NP can be the antecedent for reflexive pronouns in sentences. a) True b) False 10) Reflexive pronouns are often substituted for personal pronouns after comparison words in spoken English. a) True b) False 11) In cases where more than one noun can agree in gender and number with a reflexive pronoun, how can we definitively establish the intended antecedent? a) By selecting the closest noun b) By examining the context of the sentence c) By choosing the most common noun d) By flipping a coin 12) How are reflexive pronouns used in emphatic contrast across clauses in writing? a) By replacing the antecedent b) By switching positions with personal pronouns c) By emphasizing a contrast between two NPs d) By eliminating ambiguity 13) In what context is "one another" more commonly used compared to "each other"? a) In academic prose b) In spoken English c) In singular relationships d) In all contexts 14) Possessive pronouns can be used in a possessive construction with a determiner + noun + of to refer to someone or something that the speaker wants to identify more precisely. a) True b) False 15) Which type of pronoun is formed by combining words like "some," "any," and "every" with the endings -one, -body, and -thing? a) Definite pronouns b) Negative indefinite pronouns c) Reciprocal pronouns d) Positive indefinite pronouns 16) Indefinite pronouns such as "someone" and "anybody" are considered negative polarity items in English. a) True b) False

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