London is famous for its shops. London’s ____ full of people shopping. In the ____-famous shops of Knightsbridge, Oxford Street, Regent’s Street and Carnaby Street, you can buy ____ and ____. And if you are shopping for ____ that ____ else has got, something different, there’s somewhere for you too. There’s Camden Town. Camden Town is an area of ____ London. It’s famous all over the world for its ____, artists, clubs and music, but it’s most famous for its market. There are hundreds of shops and ____ along Camden High Street, and in the ____ markets in Camden Town. There’s nowhere to ____ a car in Camden. ____ people come to Camden by bus or on the ____. In the centre of Camden there’s the Regent’s canal and a lock. The area around Camden Lock is a very popular place for taking photographs. Part 2 What are you doing in Camden? It’s ____, the busiest day of the week in Camden, and there are people ____. So what are people doing here today? Kanzaki: My name is Kanzaki and I’m in Camden because I think Camden is the best place to find ____ clothes. Claudia: I live in London. My ____ are visiting me at the moment so I’m showing them the town. We are shopping in Camden and I’m wearing my favourite ____ dress. Leigh: I’m in Camden today looking for some new ____ boots. Jasmine: I’m shopping. I’m also looking for a job. And I’ve bought a ____ from Cyberdog. Richard: I’m in Camden visiting friends and I’m not shopping because I haven’t got ____ money. Natalie: I’m here in Camden with some friends shopping for a bikini because Camden is the most ____ place to be.

Camden. Watch the video (Headway Elementary, Unit 10) and complete the gap with the missing words.

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