Go abroad, Go away, for the weekend, Go by bus / car / plane / train, Go camping, Go for a walk, Go on holidays, Go out at night, Go sightseeing, Go skiing, Go swimming, Stay, in a campsite, Take photos, Buy souvenirs, Have a good time, Rent an apartment, Sunbathe, on the beach, Spend money, Hire a bicycle, Book a flight, Book a hotel, Good, Amazing, Warm, a disaster, Extremely hot, be sunny, Go walking, Go cycling, Go surfing, travel by car, Travel by train, Hire skis, Spend time, be crowded, be comfortable, be basic, be dirty, be luxurious, be (un)friendly, be noisy, be delicious, be nothing special, be disgusting, be awful, be terrible, be wonderful, be lovely, be cloudy, be foggy, be very windy.

holiday activities

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