1) What is the main purpose of a government in a rule of law state? a) To ban any music the government doesn't like b) To make decisions without being controlled c) To follow laws and have its actions checked d) To allow citizens to have no rights 2) What happens if a citizen in Germany thinks a new law goes against the constitution? a) They can do nothing about it b) They can complain to the government c) They can ask the president to change the law d) They can file a complaint with the Constitutional Court 3) Which of these is NOT a basic right protected in a rule of law state? a) Freedom of speech b) Freedom to break the law c) Freedom of religion d) Freedom to vote 4) What helps prevent the government from doing whatever it wants in a rule of law state? a) The government can make any laws it wants b) The courts are independent and can check laws c) Citizens have no way to challenge government actions d) There are no basic rights that the government must respect 5) Why is it important that citizens can challenge government actions in court? a) It allows the government to do whatever it wants b) It makes the government more powerful c) It ensures the government follows the law d) It gives citizens no protection from the government

Rechtsstaatlichkeit - what is typical in a rule of the law state

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