1) What are the four famous inventions in Ancient China?  a) paper, gunpowder, boat and fire b) hat, cloth, number and sword c) paper, gunpowder, compass and printing d) telescope, paper, map and printing 2) When was the paper invented? a) Tang dynasty b) East Han dynasty c) West Han dynasty d) Min dynasty 3) Who invent the paper-making skill?  a) 李世民 b) 蔡伦 c) 马克波罗 d) Mr.Michiel 4) When was the first thermal weapon that used gunpowder invented? a) Min dynasty b) Tang dynasty c) Qing dynasty d) North Song dynasty 5) What is the working principle of compass? a) magnetic b) kinetic c) potential d) hydro 6) Which one bellow cannot be made of paper? a) firework b) plate c) cap d) glass 7) Which two directions does the compass always point to?  a) South b) East c) North d) West e) SouthEast f) NorthWest 8) Which of the materials bellow can make gunpowder? a) paper, tree and leather b) feather, meat and metal c) charcoal, sulfur and Saltpeter 9) Who invent the printing skill?  a) Ms. Laura b) 毕昇 c) 郭守敬 10) Which one down is the origin of gunpowder? a) chemistry b) Alchemy c) Iatrology d) physics 11) Which of the weapons is not powered by gunpowder?  a) gun b) cannon c) pistol d) spring knife 12) In during which dynasty was the paper money first used?  a) North Song dynasty b) South Song dynasty c) Min dynasty d) Modern China 13) What are the advantages of the printing skill?  a) efficient b) easy to learn c) cheaper d) more beautiful e) fussy 14) In which province did the paper-making skill originate?  a) 陕西 b) 四川 c) 山西 d) 山东 15) Who invented the compass? a) 大禹 b) Mr. Ben c) 轩辕黄帝 d) 神农 e) 蔡徐坤 16) When was the compass invented? a) AD 1200 (estimated) b) BC 2000 (estimated) c) BC 3000 (estimated) d) AD 2058

Ancient China

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