1) ______ you like to play? a) Do b) Does 2) ______ he like to swim? a) Do b) Does 3) _____ she play the guitar? a) Do b) Does 4) _____ we sing? a) Do b) Does 5) _____ they dance? a) Do b) Does 6) ____ Kate help her mother? a) Do b) Does 7) _____ cats drink milk? a) Do b) Does 8) ____ his brother play hockey? a) Do b) Does 9) ____ his friend like to read? a) Do b) Does 10) _____my sister like playing video games? a) Do b) Does 11) _____my sisters like to run? a) Do b) Does 12) ____ your brother want to sleep? a) Do b) Does 13) _____ your brothers like watching TV? a) Do b) Does 14) _____ your dog eat chicken? a) Do b) Does

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