Tilt Shot - A view of something tall, seen a bit at a time, as if you were raising or lowering your head to see it all., Pan Shot - When the filmmaker moves the camera horizontally from left or right while its base remains locked., Canted Angle - Makes the scene seem unnatural and unfamiliar to the audience, sometimes used in horror films., High Angle - Subject is below the camera. Makes the subject seem small, weak or unimportant., Low Angle - Subject is above the camera. Makes the subject seem powerful, important or massive., Point of View Shot - Allows the audience to see from the perspective of a character in the film. – Helps the audience to empathise with the character., Mid Shot - Characters are see from the waist up, allows for social interaction., Extreme Close-up - Allows the audience to see intimate detail. For example, a character's eyes., Close-up - Allows the audience to see detail, such as facial expression., Full Shot - Allows the audience to see the subject from head to toe., Wide Shot - Allows the audience to see location and setting. Normally used an Establishing Shot., Symbol - Pictures that convey ideas (eg: snowflakes for cold). Can be found in both the words and visual elements., Totalitarianism - When the Government controls all public behaviour and as much of people’s private behaviour as they can., Fascism - A political ideology of the far-right. These people believe in very strong controlling governments and discriminate against anybody who is different. , Facial Expression - The looks on the faces in an image or shot. They can attract or repel us, or make us curious. , Dystopia - An imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice., Science Fiction - A genre within fiction that deals mainly with the impact of actual or imagined science upon society.., Propaganda - A type of communication that is mainly used to influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda. Is usually biased. Not objective. , Protagonist - The leading character or one of the major characters in a play, film, book etc. , Antagonist - A character who is opposed to, struggles against, or competes with the main character. , Director's Purpose - This person has the final say on all creative decisions regarding a film. Their purpose is about the ideas and themes they want to get across to the audience. , Mise-en-scène - The stage design and arrangement of actors in a scene.,
V for Vendetta Kupu
Year 11
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