1) Did your mum work last weekend? a) Yes, she worked b) No, she did c) Yes, she did 2) Did your grandpa water the plants? a) Yes, he did b) Yes, he watered them c) Yes, he didn't 3) Did you play Super Smash Bros. Ultimate? a) No b) Yes, I did c) Yes, I played 4) Did you download Animal Crossing? a) Yes, I downloaded it b) No, I didn't c) Yes 5) Did you and your family go on a ferry? a) Yes, I did b) No, they didn't c) Yes, we did 6) Did your sister wake up early today? a) Yes, I did b) Yes, she did c) Yes, you did 7) Did your classmates study for the test? a) No, they didn't b) No, we didn't c) No, he didn't 8) Did you enjoy your summer vacations? a) Yes! b) No, they didn't c) Yes, I did

Simple Past Yes / No Questions and short answers


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