1) Być a) be was/were been b) begin began begun c) break broke broken 2) Bić a) be born was/were born have/has been born b) beat beat beaten c) become became become 3) Przynosić a) build built built b) buy bought bought c) bring brought brought 4) Łapać a) catch caught caught b) come came come c) choose chose chosen 5) Ciąć, kroić,obcinać a) cost cost cost b) cut cut cut c) do did done 6) czytać a) read read read b) say said said c) see saw seen 7) pływać a) swim swam swum b) spend spent spent c) steal stole stolen 8) spać a) sleep slept slept b) run ran run c) put put put 9) mówić a) spend spent spent b) speak spoke spoken c) stand stood stood 10) kraść a) steal stole stolen b) swim swam swum c) stand stood stood 11) uczyć a) teach taught taught b) think thought thought c) tell told told 12) rzucać a) think thought thought b) tell told told c) throw threw thrown 13) nosić (mieć na sobie) a) understand understood understood b) wear wore worn c) win won won 14) pisać a) have had had b) hold held held c) write wrote written 15) pożyczać a) lend lent lent b) lose lost lost c) let let let 16) zgubić, stracić, przegrać a) make made made b) pay paid paid c) lose lost lost 17) robić a) make made made b) do did done c) meet met met 18) znaczyć, mieć na myśli a) put put put b) mean meant meant c) make made made 19) jeździć rowerem/konno a) run ran run b) grow grew grown c) ride rode ridden 20) powiedzieć a) say said said b) tell told told c) see saw seen 21) sprzedawać a) fly flew flown b) sell sold sold c) swim swam swum 22) pokazywać a) show showed shown b) sit sat sat c) sing sang sung 23) widzieć, zobaczyć a) slept slept slept b) see saw seen c) speak spoke spoken 24) spędzać, wydawać (pieniądze) a) go went gone b) steal stole stolen c) spend spent spent 25) stać a) take took taken b) stand stood stood c) steal stole stolen 26) upadać a) find found found b) fall fell fallen c) feel felt felt 27) jechać (kierować samochodem) a) draw drew drawn b) do did done c) drive drove driven 28) rysować, ciągnąć a) draw drew drawn b) eat ate eaten c) cut cut cut 29) pić a) drink drank drunk b) do did done c) go went gone 30) zranić, boleć a) give gave given b) hurt hurt hurt c) keep kept kept 31) znać, wiedzieć a) build built built b) hit hit hit c) know knew known 32) przychodzić, przyjechać a) come came come b) feel felt felt c) hear heard heard 33) uderzać a) hear heard heard b) hold held held c) hit hit hit 34) dawać a) give gave given b) have had had c) buy bought bought 35) walczyć a) fight fought fought b) know knew known c) cost cost cost 36) zepsuć, złamać, stłuc a) break broke broken b) choose chose chosen c) do did done 37) wybierać a) eat ate eaten b) drive drove driven c) choose chose chosen 38) rosnąć, uprawiać (np warzywa) a) forget forgot forgotten b) grow grew grown c) feel felt felt 39) latać a) buy bought bought b) hit hit hit c) fly flew flown 40) zapominać a) come came come b) forget forgot forgotten c) choose chose chosen 41) kosztować a) choose chose chosen b) cost cost cost c) pay paid paid 42) go went gone a) przyjść b) jechać c) pójść d) pojechać 43) wygrać, zwyciężyć a) wear wore wore b) win won won c) write wrote written 44) położyć, kłaść a) put put put b) lay laid laid c) lie lay lay 45) wybaczyć a) forget forgot forgotten b) give gave given c) forgive forgave forgiven 46) rozumieć a) know knew known b) understand understood understood c) stand stood stood 47) czuć (się) a) feed fed fed b) fall fell fallen c) feel felt felt 48) słyszeć a) hurt hurt hurt b) have had had c) hear heard heard 49) pozwolić a) let let let b) light lit lit c) lend lent lent 50) wziąć zabrać a) give gave given b) take took taken c) get got got

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