1) Find huruf with Fathahtain a) قًا b) يَ c) قَ d) تٍ 2) Find huruf with Kasrahtain a) طاً b) ظٍ c) ظِ d) مَ 3) Find huruf with Dhommahtain a) لاً b) كًا c) صٌ d) صُ 4) Find the word that end with Dhommatain a) نَفَقًا b) بَيَنٌ c) بَيَنُ d) مَنَعَ 5) Find the word that ends with Kasratain a) صَنَعٍ b) تَتَبًا c) صَنَعِ d) تَتَبِ 6) Which word has a long huruf Ya? a) غَيْظٌ b) فِيهَا 7) Which word has a short huruf Ya? a) بَيْنٌ b) نَمِيرَ 8) Which word has a long huruf Ya? a) فِي b) عَيٌنٌ 9) Which word has a short huruf Ya? a) سَيْفٌ b) مِينَا 10) Which word has a short huruf Ya? a) كَيْفَ b) أَبَابِيلَ

Tanwin Exercise

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