something that is ___________ happens again and again, often in a very boring way - repetitive, the financial records of a person or organisation - accounts, if an activity is _____________, everyone doing it is trying hard to do better and be more successful than everyone else - competitive, the time or date by which you have to finish a particular piece of work - deadline, a situation or person that is ___________ is difficult to deal with because they need a lot of your time or energy - demanding, a large amount of money - a fortune, recruit someone _____ something - into, not clear or definite - vague, if something is ________, it changes a lot or it consists of lots of different kinds of things - varied, a code - ? - a set of rules that say what you are allowed to do, a crisis - ? - a sudden and very serious problem that needs to be dealt with straight away, discrimination - ? - deliberately unfair treatment of a person or group of people, to ________a rule or law means to use your authority to make sure that it is obeyed - enforce, environmental - ? - relating to the protection of the air, land, and natural water on the earth, in advance - ? - if you do something in advance, you do it before a particular date, or before it is needed, interrupt - ? - if you interrupt someone, you get their attention while they are busy doing something else or speaking to someone else, land and buildings - property, sensible - ? - seems good because there are good reasons for it and people agree that it is right, nasty - ? - bad and unpleasant, unpleasant and unplanned effects of a medicine - side effects, look at something for a long time - stare,

Outcomes Int U5 Recycling vocabulary

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