1) What's your name? a) I'm 8 years old. b) My name is Wiktoria. c) Blue. 2) How old are you? a) My name is Wiktoria. b) Green. c) I am 8 years old. 3) What are you wearing? a) Pink. b) I'm wearing a pink T-shirt. c) My name is Ania. 4) I'm 8 years old. a) What are you wearing? b) How old are you? c) What's your name? 5) My name is Wiktoria. a) What are you wearing?  b) How old are you? c) What's your name? 6) I am wearing green socks. a) How old are you? b) What's your name? c) What are you wearing? 7) Where is the pen? a) I am 8 years old. b) On the chair. c) My name is Wiktoria. 8) Where is the ruler? a) I am wearing white shoes. b) Blue. c) On the floor.

What's your name?

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