limb - arms or legs, collision, impolite - rude, dumbfounded , mammal - a group of animals including: elephants, whales, cats, dogs and humans, homophone - Two words that sound exactly the same but have different meanings, lamb - As gentle as a _________, revision - The act of going over something, division, glimmer - feint light, version - a specific edition or form of something, treasure, impossible - Can't be done, tomb, common - Something shared between two or more things , immature - not fully developed, drama - a show or production, solemn - serious, thumb - stick out like a sore _________. , condemn - Declare something to be wrong, usual - normal or used often, genre, breadcrumb, equation - two sides of a sum made to be equal, pyjamas, column, pleasure - something that makes you feel good, demonstrate - to show how something works, hymn, television, comma, invasion - hostile take over, decision, commanding - superior or imposing , erosion, Asian, traumatic - distressing or frightening event , casual, collage, explosion - a huge burst of pressure,

Spelling and Vocabulary - Pg 40 and 42 - Anagrams


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